Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Linda Bennett - A True Fighter.

Hello everyone. I know it's been a while. Have been very busy with a lot of stuff. From family, work and photography. But today it's not like any other blog that I have written. As you all know or if you don't know now you will. I give free Breast Cancer Survivor Photo-Shoots. Yes free. This has been my third year doing this. And it's a an amazing joy to see a smile on these amazing woman I photograph. But this blog is dedicated to a true fighter, a survivor and a single mother. Who you may ask? So let me introduce you to Linda Bennett. Here is her story.

"Hi! My name is Linda Bennett.  I am a 53 years old and I am a breast cancer survivor.  I was diagnosed in July of 2012 with Invasive Ductal Carcinoma of my left breast.  
Invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC), sometimes called infiltrating ductal carcinoma, is the most common type of breast cancer.  About 80% of all breast cancers are invasive ductal carcinomas.  Invasive means that the cancer has “invaded” or spread to the surrounding breast tissues.  

I had never suffered any major sickness in my adult life, so I was completely shocked when my doctor informed me that I had breast cancer.  I felt numb, empty and was certain that I was going to wither away and die.  After meeting with my doctor, I went home and cried…and then cried some more.  I kept asking God “Why me?” but also “Why not me?”
Prior to receiving my heart-breaking diagnosis, I was separated from my husband for 2 years and was a single mom raising my two boys alone.  After the initial shock and overwhelming sadness, God bestowed a genuine calmness over me.  From that moment forward, I knew everything would be ok. I was no longer completely consumed by the devastating diagnosis I had received and my attitude toward everything that was happening in my life positively changed forever.  

I went through every doctor's appointment and every surgery with a smile and positive thoughts and expectations.  My doctor offered me 3 choices: undergo a full mastectomy, have a partial mastectomy or take medications.  I chose a full mastectomy. My surgery was scheduled for August 5, 2012 and my doctors informed me that I was a candidate for the tram flap surgery. 

TRAM stands for transverse rectus abdominus, a muscle in your lower abdomen between your waist and your pubic bone.  A flap of this skin, fat, and all or part of the underlying rectus abdominus (“6-pack”) muscle are used to reconstruct the breast in a TRAM flap procedure. I gladly chose this reconstructive procedure over inserting silicone.

My journey with breast cancer encouraged me to make significant changes in my life.  I divorced my estranged husband, recognizing that his abusive ways had no place in my new life.  I made the decision to leave Florida, where I lived for 30 years, and start a new life for myself and my children.  I relocated to Tennessee to be near my brother and his family and begin the next chapter of my life.  The Lord has been with me for every step in my journey because he has continually blessed me and opened doors for me and my family.  

When people look at me and say things like “You've never been thru anything”, my reply is always “You have never walked in my shoes”.  I'm happy and smiling daily because, no matter what is going on in my life, I'M TRULY BLESSED.  I share my testimony with whomever will listen, because you never know who you may positively touch and help by sharing your story.  God Bless. "

What an inspiration. It was truly amazing being able to spend time with this lovely lady. So if you have an inspirational story to tell and motivate someone please come forward. Maybe your story will encourage and inspire others to also fight and get help. Thank you for reading. Feel free to share.

"Travel the world, capture every moment and feel blessed you were there at that moment in time"